Local Ministry Opportunities

At Advent, we are exploring many ways that we might, together or as individuals, learn to love as God loves.

Wednesday Night Prayer and discussion meeting with dinner

Wednesday eucharist, dinner and discussion through the season of Lent will be focused on Fleming Rutledge’s book entitled “Help My Unbelief”.    Join us at 5:30 p.m. for the service, 6:00 for dinner and 6:30 for the discussion. To join the Wednesday conversation from home, one can either log on or call in.  The credentials are listed here:

Click here to sign in to Microsoft Team = Join the meeting now = Then enter Meeting ID: 242 994 210 673, Passcode: b5fQ6gA2

Dial in by phone : 347-566-4883, Phone conference ID: 749 727 411

Book Club

The book club will be reading Adam Hamilton’s book Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws during Lent. We will start this book on Thursday March 13, 2025. Instead of giving up something for Lent, add something new and join us for a 6 week read of this book.

FREE TAKEOUT MEALS, provided on the 3rd Saturday of each month.  Pick-up time is 3:30 to 5:00. Future Dates are: April 19 and May 17, 2025.

To enter: Go to Rorer Rd at the Hatboro Federal Savings Bank. One block from Byberry Rd off of York.  Also, Volunteers are needed beginning at 2:30. For information contact: [email protected].

Hatboro Community Cupboard (formerly the Food Pantry at St. John’s) Still located at St. John’s Lutheran Church on York Rd.

Starting in January 2025 the Thursday Night crew will need volunteers, we are losing two for 5 months. Hours are 5:30 to 8:00 pm. Our big flow is from 6 to 6:30 and then it slows down, so this is the time we really need help. But we do other things to set up for the next week.

The Church of the Advent supports the work of our local food-bank through donation of goods, money and time. 

Monetary donations are accepted if you are unable to shop.  The community cupboard’s weekly list of needs will continue to be published as that need persists. If you have questions, please see any outreach committee members, Jeanne Bernosky, Dennis Cunningham, Janet Gilman and Deb Stoddart.

As of March 25, 2025, needs are: Canned Carrots, Canned Potatoes, Ramen Noodles (Soup), Rice a Roni, Spaghetti Sauce, Manwich, Canned Peaches, Canned Fruit Cocktail, Pancake Syrup,  tomato soup.

The Cupboard, supports Bucks and Montgomery County residents only and is limited to one visit per week per family.

The Hatboro Community Cupboard is asking for volunteers and food donations. See next paragraph for details.

Volunteers are needed on Monday evening and Thursday evening shifts as well as Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays morning/early afternoon shifts. Activities include accepting, organizing, and storing donations, interacting with in-person client “shoppers,” breaking down cardboard boxes for recycling, etc. Moderately heavy lifting and walking is involved.
If you have any questions, please email Alan at [email protected].a

The hours of operation are as follows:
Tuesday : 10:30 AM to 12:50 PM
Wednesday: 10:30AM to 12:50 PM
Thursday: 10:30AM to 12:50 PM and Thursday eve: 6:00PM to 7:50 PM

The Hatboro Community Cupboard is located at 505 North York Road, Hatboro and the entrance is located behind the Church building.   To contact the Community Cupboard  directly, call 215-675-2031.

The Community Cupboard follows the Hatboro-Horsham School District Winter Weather Emergency Closing Policies.

  • Welcoming the Stranger 

Welcoming the Stranger, a Bucks and Montgomery County program to teach English language skills to all immigrants and refugee’s. Free English (ESL) Class / Clases Gratuitas de Ingles. Winter Term 2025, January 6 to Marcy 26. Meeting on Thursday in the meeting room,

ESL Class: Thursday 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM January 6, 2025 to March 26, 2025

Clase de Ingles: Jueves 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM. Enero 6, to Marzo 26

Contact @ [email protected] 215-702-3445

  • H.A.T. Packs

H.A.T. Packs is a community-based non-profit organization serving the Hatboro-Horsham School district.  In its infancy, the Church of the Advent gave its founding members several rooms in their basement.  The program’s growth has taken it to Pennypack Community Center on Spring Avenue where the program provides packs of food to children who qualify for free and reduced lunches, but who may not have sufficient food on the week-ends.  Volunteers gather each week to assemble bags of items that have been donated by businesses, churches and other local organizations.  Currently H.A.T. Packs serves nearly 350 children.

  • Caring for Friends (formerly Aid for Friends)

Church of the Advent supports an organization serving the homebound and medically disadvantaged in Philadelphia and the five-county surrounding region.  Each month our parishioners package leftovers from the Take-Out Meal Ministry for the benefit of Caring for Friends. Prior to that, our congregants participated in a group Cook-In where parishioners contribute entrees, sides, and desserts for approximately 150 meals.  Parishioners also contribute meals and soups to the freezer in our basement.