The music ministry at Church of Advent exists to assist the congregation in its worship and praise of God. As we come together to hear the Word of God and celebrate the Holy Eucharist, music enriches our experience.
Music is an integral part of our worship.
The music at Advent is grounded in the Episcopal tradition of hymnody using The Hymnal 1982 for most congregational and choir music. From that ground, we embrace the growing ecumenism and the many Christian cultures with music from Lift Every Voice and Sing, and Wonder, Love & Praise along with other music and texts that broaden and deepen our prayer in song.
Is there a song in your heart?
The music program at Advent is under the leadership of our Director of Music in cooperation with the directors of the youth and handbell choirs. With their commitment and direction, the music program provides exciting and fulfilling opportunities for adults and children to participate and share their talents.
The Senior Choir is open to all adult members of the parish. The choir is a volunteer ministry, and welcomes new members. In addition to leading the congregation in worship music, they present works representing a variety of musical periods and composers that complement the liturgical settings. The Senior Choir sings at the 10:00 A.M. service during the months of September through June. They rehearse on Wednesday nights at 7:00 in the choir room.
The Senior Choir has lost some of its faithful singers “to the pews” due to physical demands, some have moved out of the area, while others have gone on to their “greater rewards of that heavenly choir.” We are very grateful for all their contributions and know that each one of them would be very proud to think that a new person will step in to help lead the congregation as they have in the past. We encourage any adult who enjoys singing to contact our director. It is not necessary to read music, but it is helpful. No past experience needed — we train on the job!
We encourage parishioner instrumentalists to share their talents with us. If you play an instrument, we invite you to offer your talents to the music program. Speak with our Director of Music who will assist you in finding an appropriate way to contribute your gift of music.