What We Believe

christ-victoriousThe teachings and ministries of Jesus of Nazareth inform our understanding of God, the world and our place in the world.

In the resurrection of Jesus, we understand God doing an old thing in a new way.   What is the old thing?  God, again bringing new life out of death and despair.  The new thing?  Demonstrating that you can’t kill Love made flesh in Jesus.  In recognition of the life of Jesus being a fundamental part of the life of God, we refer to the resurrected Jesus as Christ, the anointed one.  Anointed to demonstrate in his birth, life, teachings, death and resurrection, the power of God’s love for humanity.

A good summary of Christian thought and teaching comes from an early teacher of the Church, Athanasius, in the 4th century,   “He became what we are that we might become what he is.”

A good summary of what basic teachings followed in the Episcopal Church is found in the catechism in our Book of Common Prayer.  Looking through the Book of Common prayer can also acquaint you with the different ways we worship.

You can find the Book of Common Prayer online at bcponline.org